Journeys into what isn't known but Deeply Desired in Life...

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United States
My name is Mykel Klix! I have a huge passion for people all over the world. I know that as you follow you will experience a taste of the impact I want to make in this world so people leave with peace in their heart. At the same time, I will be impacted by each person, place, and encounter I face, knowing it will make me see the way I need to. Let's change the world.

Friday, May 3, 2013

                                SO HERE IT IS!!!

In approx. 1 day and 18 hours I will be on a plane, crossing the world to visit my family in India!

No, we don't look alike... as a matter of fact, they don't know we are family either but that is why I am going, because Dad is searching for them as He searched for me.

This is the start of all that Dad has been preparing me for the past 5 years.

From photos, videos, posts... I will do my best to give you a taste of what is happening here.

I will do what I can do help bring freedom and hope to my kidnapped family deep in the darkness of India.

They will see the sun shine on their faces with fullness of joy, and I will be right there as the family reunion begins!

Stick around and experience the tears and smiles! =)